Tracey thorn
Laugharne favourite Tracey Thorn is a singer-songwriter and writer, best known for her seventeen years in bestselling duo Everything But The Girl. She grew up as the youngest of three children in Brookmans Park, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, where she learned the piano, enjoyed underaged drinking, and started her first band while still at school. Since then, she has released four solo albums, one movie soundtrack, a large handful of singles and two books, including the Sunday Times bestselling memoir, Bedsit Disco Queen, and currently writes a column for the New Statesman. Her latest book She’ll be talking about her latest memoir ‘Another Planet: A Teenager in Suburbia’.
Mae Tracey Thorn yn un o selogion gŵyl Talacharn – yn ganwr/sgwennwr caneuon ac yn awdur, mae’n fwyaf adnabyddus fel aelod o’r ddeuawd lwyddiannus, ‘Everything But The Girl’. Cafodd ei magu yn Brookmans Park, Hatfield yn Swydd Hertford, lle dysgodd chwarae’r piano, lle bu’n mwynhau yfed dan oed a lle ffurfiodd ei band cyntaf pan roedd hi dal yn yr ysgol. Ers hynny, mae wedi rhyddhau pedwar albwm unigol, trac sain ar gyfer ffilm, llond llaw fawr o senglau a dwy gyfrol, gan gynnwys ei chyfrol hunangofianol, ‘Bedsit Disco Queen’, a gyrhaeddodd frig siartiau gwerthwyr gorau The Times. Mae hi hefyd yn sgwennu colofn i’r New Statesman. Yn Nhalacharn eleni, mae hi’n trafod ei chyfrol ddiweddaraf, ‘Another Planet: A Teenager in Suburbia’.