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Papur Wal have always been enticingly unique. They combine fearless slacker influences with infectious power pop melodies into a beautifully raw musical mosaic. One part early-Beatles, the other Lou Reed at his most power chord thrashing intenseness. What ties their
songs together under the harmonies and fuzz is an unflinching desire to wear their hearts proudly on their sleeves. Papur Wal’s long-awaited debut album, ‘Amser Mynd Adra’ will be out on 8th October 2021.

Mae Papur Wal wastad wedi bod yn fand sy’n hudolus o unigryw. Yn cyfuno dylanwadau slacyr di-gyfaddawd gydag alawon pop heintus i ffurfio mosäig cerddorol sy’n hyfryd o amrwd. Yn gyfansoddiad sy’n un rhan Beatles cynnar, a’r rhan arall fel Lou Reed yn cyfleu ei holl erchylltra angerddol. Yr hyn sy’n uno eu caneuon o dan haenau diddiwedd o harmonïau a fuzz yw ei dyhead pybyr i wisgo eu calonnau ar eu llewys. Mae ‘Amser Mynd Adra’ albwm cyntaf a hir-ddisgwyliedig Papur Wal allan ar 8 Hydref 2021.

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