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One of our finest novelists. of his new novel, In The Light of Morning, The Guardian said

‘Tim Pears has made the battle zone of family life in provincial England his own fertile fictional terrain…The novel succeeds in illuminating a pivotal moment in world history, while casting a steady light back on England…Rather like Michael Ondaatje’s The English Patient, this is an intimate tale of a few individuals poised at a moment when one epoch gives way to another. ‘



Un o’n nofelwyr cyfredol mwyaf arbennig.


Dyfyniad o adolygiad The Guardian o’i nofel newydd ‘In The Light Of Morning’ :


“Tim Pears has made the battle zone of family life in provincial England his own fertile fictional terrain…The novel succeeds in illuminating a pivotal moment in world history, while casting a steady light back on England…Rather like Michael Ondaatje’s The English Patient, this is an intimate tale of a few individuals poised at a moment when one epoch gives way to another.”


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