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tibor fischer

Do you remember the first time you watched Reservoir Dogs, or Taxi Driver? The disorienting sense of not quite knowing whether you’re witnessing comedy or tragedy? That’s what reading Tibor Fischer is like. Few writers have a better feel for the inventive set-up: the Soviet invasion of Hungary from the point of view of the national basketball team (Under the Frog); life as narrated by a 5,000 year-old Sumerian bowl (The Collector Collector), a man who teaches himself to read two books at once (Don’t Read this Book if You’re Stupid) and south London loser who decides to become a deity in Miami (Good to be God). Fischer’s books are philosophical in the proper sense of the word: they make you think about and question every assumption life is founded on, but only when you’ve stopped laughing. He lives in Brixton and Budapest and teaches creative writing. His first novel was rejected by 57 publishers before going on to be shortlisted for the Booker Prize. What else do you need to know? That he’s one of very few contemporary writers where you will want to read everything he ever writes.


​Un o’n nofelwyr mwyaf craff a doniol. Mae nofelau Tibor Fischer wedi delio â thestunnau mor amrywiol â’r meddiant Sofietaidd o Hwngari – o safbwynt y tîm pêl fasged cenedlaethol (Under The Frog); myfrdodau gan fowlen 5000 mlwydd oed o Swmeria (The Collector Collector), dyn sy’n dysgu’i hun i ddarllen dau lyfr ar yr un pryd (Don’t Read This Book if You’re Stupid), a boi di-ddim o dde Llundain sy’n penderfynnu y gall fod yn dduw yn Miami (Good to be Goa).

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