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Sylvia Patterson’s smash hit memoir of life as a music journalist, I’m Not With The Band, is funny, insightful, touching and pleasingly rude. Like the blurb says: ‘As she encounters music’s biggest names, she is confronted by glamour and tragedy, wisdom and lunacy, drink, drugs and disaster. And Bros. ‘
Mae cyfrol hunangofianol Sylvia Patterson ‘I’m Not With The Band’, sy’n adrodd hanes ei chyfnod fel newyddiadurwr cerddoriaeth, wedi bod yn llwyddiant ysgubol. Mae’n gyfrol ddoniol, ddeifiol, graff ac ardderchog o ddigywilydd.
Fel mae’r clawr cefn yn datgan:
“As she encounters music’s biggest names, she is confronted by glamour and tragedy, wisdom and lunacy, drink, drugs and disaster. And Bros”.
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