rachel trezise

Rachel Trezise made her name as one of Britain’s finest short story writers – and one of the few to focus on working class life. Her debut collection Fresh Apples won the International Dylan Thomas Prize in 2006. Since then her work has broadened into novels and theatre works. Her debut full length play Tonypandemonium was staged by National Theatre of Wales in 2013 and in 2017 she wrote the NTW’s epic evocation of the lives of Port Talbot steelworkers – We’re Still Here.
Ry’n ni dal yma
Mae Rachel Trezise wedi ennill bri fel un o sgwenwyr straeon byrion mwyaf nodedig Prydain ac fel un o’r awduron prin hynny sy’n canolbwyntio ar fyd a bywyd dosbarth gweithiol. Enillodd ei chasgliad cyntaf, Fresh Apples, Wobr Ryngwladol Dylan Thomas yn 2006. Ers hynny mae hi wedi sgwennu nofelau a gweithiau ar gyfer y theatr. Llwyfannwyd ei drama lawn gyntaf, Tonypandemonium, gan National Theatre Wales yn 2013. Yn 2017, eto ar gyfer NTW, fe sgwenodd We’re Still Here – drama fawr am fywydau gweithwyr dur Port Talbot.