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jess phillips

Jess Phillips was first elected as the Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley in 2015, before being re-elected in 2017. She was elected chair of the Women's Parliamentary Labour Party in September 2016. Before becoming an MP, Jess worked with victims of domestic violence, sexual violence and human trafficking, and she continues to speak up on behalf of those who struggle to have their voice heard. 

Jess has worked with the Home Office, the Ministry of Justice and hte Department for Communities and Local Government on issues of Violence Against Women and Girls. She is one of the women who launched the #NotTheCost campaign to combat the violence faced by politically active women, and the Reclaim the Internet campaign, which challenges online abuse. 


Her first book 'Everywoman' came out last year. Here's what Jess had to say about it:


If you’re thinking, ‘Jess, who?’ then I’m glad that there was something about ‘Everywoman’ and ‘truth’ that caught your eye.

Or you might already know me as that gobby MP who has a tendency to shout about the stuff I care about. Because I’m a woman with a cause, I have been called a feminazi witch, a murderer and threatened with rape. The internet attracts a classy crowd.

So, speaking the truth isn’t always easy but I believe it’s worth it. And I want you to believe it too. The truth can be empowering, the truth can lead to greater equality, and the world would be incredibly boring if we let all of those people who allegedly know everything, say everything.

By demanding to be heard, by dealing with our imposter syndrome, by being cheerleaders, doers not sayers, creating our own networks and by daring to believe that we can make a difference, we can.

We’re women and we’re kick-ass. And that’s the truth.


Dweud ei dweud

Mewn môr o wleidyddion identikit mae Jess Phillips, AS Birmingham Yardley, yn berson o fyd go iawn. Cafodd ei hethol i gadair Menywod y Blaid Lafur Seneddol ym mis Medi 2016. Cyn cael ei hethol yn AS bu Jess yn gweithio gyda dioddefwyr trais yn y cartref a thrais rhywiol a dioddefwyr masnachu pobl. Mae’n parhau i eiriol ar ran pobl sy’n ymladd i gael dweud eu dweud. Cyhoeddwyd ei chyfrol gyntaf, Everywoman, llynedd. Neges y llyfr: “Menywod Å·n ni, ac ry’n ni’n aruthrol”.


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