David Kynaston was born in Aldershot in 1951. He has been a professional historian since 1973 and has written nineteen books, including The City of London (1994-2001), a widely acclaimed four-volume history, and WG’s Birthday Party, an account of the Gentleman v. Players match at Lord’s in July 1898. He is the author of Austerity Britain, Family Britain and Modernity Britain - a series covering the history of post-war Britain (1945-79) under the collective title ‘Tales of a New Jerusalem’. His most recent books are Arlott, Swanton and the Soul of English Cricket, which he co-authored with Stephen Fay, and Engines of Privilege: Britain’s Private School Problem, co-written with Francis Green.
Ganed David Kynaston yn Aldershot yn 1951. Bu’n hanesydd proffesiynol ers 1973 ac mae’n awdur un deg naw o lyfrau, gan gynnwys ‘The City of London (1994-2001)’, cyfres bedair cyfrol a enillodd glod mawr; a ‘WG’s Birthday Party’, sy’n adrodd hanes y gêm ‘Bonheddwyr v Chwaraewyr’ a gynhaliwyd yn Lord’s ym mis Gorffennaf 1898.
Mae’n awdur cyfres dair cyfrol o’r enw ‘Tales of a New Jerusalem’ (‘Austerity Britain’, ‘Family Britain’ a ‘Modernity Britain’) sy’n olrhain hanes Prydain yn y cyfnod wedi’r Ail Ryfel Byd o 1945 i 1979. Yn fwyaf diweddar fe gyd-sgwennodd: ‘Arlott, Swanton and the Soul of English Cricket’ (gyda Stephen Fay); ac ‘Engines of Privilege: Britain’s Private School Problem’ (gyda Francis Green).