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Alasdair Roberts is a Scottish singer, guitarist, songwriter and interpreter of traditional songs. Described by the Observer as 'a true original', he began his career with a number of albums on the Drag City label under the name Appendix Out and, following the 2001 album The Night is Advancing, under his own name. His most recent album, Pangs, was released to critical acclaim in February 2017.
Canwr gwerin o’r Alban yw Alasdair Roberts. Hyd 2001 bu’n perfformio a rhyddhau cerddoriaeth gyda Appendix Out. Ers hynnu bu’n gweithio dan ei enw ei hun gan ryddhau
casgliadau o ganeuon gwerin traddodiadol a chyfres o albymau o ganeuon gwreiddiol yn ogystal â chydweithio gydag amrywiaeth eang o gerddorion.
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